Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Here Comes Santa Claus

I guess I didn't do a very good job of hiding presents from Santa...... Jenna found one of her gifts in the closet on Sunday. So I got kind of smart and re-hid it. Well, good thing I did cause this morning she went to the closet looking for her "water bottle backpack." I did some quick thinking, and told her that Santa knew she saw it so he brought it back to the North Pole, and if she is a good girl til Christmas, maybe she can get one just like it.

One good thing out of that little scene is that I know at least one of her gifts she'll be fired up off of. It is actually a backpack with a kids sleeping bag, flashlight and water bottle all in one. Totally right up her ally as we plan to be doing some camping next summer.

Aaron and I went to Target with the kids to do some more shopping today. We were looking for one thing that went on sale on Sunday. Monday they didn't have any, and we went back today and they had one more left. Needless to say we snatched it up. I did it when Aaron had the kids in the aisle next to us. Travis doesn't have a clue, but Jenna is just starting to get old enough to grasp the whole Christmas concept. It should be lots of fun with her this year.

Only one more week til we head to my mom's. I can't wait. We haven't spent Christmas Eve with my family for the past two years, so I am looking forward to it. I'm not sure if Loretta and Brad will be there, but I'm hoping, as Alanna, Tony and Teija will be there. I haven't been able to visit much with them as they've been busy with the new bakery and their own lives every time we're up there. I miss my sisters. :0) I'm not sure if we're leaving Tuesday night or Wed. morning. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what next week brings. Aaron can work on Wed, so I'm thinking maybe it might be good to just leave Wed. as neither of us will be working the rest of the week. It would be the smart thing to do, but we don't always do the smart thing........


Pete/Heidi said...

Enjoy Christmas with your family!

Loretta Marie said...

We're planning on being at mom's christmas eve. Brad's family is having a dinner that day but, we should make it to mom's for her dinner too. Can't wait to see Jenna and Travis! ..I guess you and Aaron too... ;) See you then if not before hand.