Saturday, January 8, 2011

Long Overdue Update

It's been a while since I updated this blog!  Instead of a lengthly post, I'll just highlight on what we've been up too.
Aaron graduated from college in the middle of December, and has gotten a job using his surgical tech degree at a hospital just three blocks from our old house. So we moved the day he graduated in a blizzard, but it was well worth it, as we are happy to be back, and Aaron really likes his job.

I am not working full time anymore, actually, I'm not working at all. I am really enjoying being a stay at home mom. We are also expecting baby number four at the end of June. I feel great, and we are excited. Jenna is really wishing for a baby sister. She commented yesterday that "It's tough being the only girl."

Logan is FINALLY walking! We've only been waiting since fall..... he is my latest walker by far. He's almost 21 months. He'll be two in April. It's so fun to see him tooling around the house all cute and slow with a proud smile on his face. He thinks he's pretty great, and so do we.

Jenna is turning  five tomorrow, and she can.not.wait. :) Hard for me to believe my Jenna is going to be five tomorrow. She starts preschool on Monday and she's fired up to go and make some new friends. I think it'll be good for her. She gets bored at home.

I guess thats about it for now, the highlights of what we've been up to. I won't make any promises, but I'll try to update again before many months pass by. Hope everyone had happy and safe holidays! We did! :)

1 comment:

Pete/Heidi said...

Happy belated birthday to Jenna!

And congrats to Aaron (and all) for graduating and finding a job so soon (and close) in his field.