Saturday, May 15, 2010

Green Bay Garage Sales

So Jennie made it home from Alaska, and just over 24 hours later I swept her away to Green Bay for some garagbe sales. Let me tell you, it was GREAT! We SO don't have sales like that here where I live. I found so so so many good deals! I couldn't believe it. I just kept waiting to hit a dud, but I don't think there were more than three or four sales that we went to that I didn't buy anything and we went to lots. Jenna is now completely set for summer and pretty much for the fall now as well. I still can't believe the good deals I got! She's got pants, skirts, shorts, shirts and dresses. I also was able to add a bit more to her dress up box that we've got started. The girl plays dress-up every day all day long. I also found a bunch of Polly pockets and the clothes that go with them. Needless to say she was one very happy little girl when I got home Friday night.

But my best deal of all had to be the kid carrier backpack I found at a garage sale for 20 dollars and the two Fischer price little people sets I got for 15 together. We actually used the backpack today when hiking around a local park this afternoon. Aaron loved it! All three kids rode in it at some point. We rotated between that and the stroller. It sure made a big difference to have a decent pack for the kids.

I also scored a little tyke slide for the yard and a kitchen set for Jenna's play shed. They could hardly wait this morning to use them! It's fun for them to have more outside toys that are fine staying out there. Also, a good deal I got at the Goodwill down there was a kids size folding table and chairs. Perfect for dinner company with extra kids and for picnics outside.

But I've got company coming over tonight for sauna, so I should go get ready. More on my garage sale trip soon!

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