Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Class and Camping

I start my online photography class today that I signed up for a couple weeks ago. I'm excited to see what I'll learn, and just to be able to learn! I have had the itch to take a class for a while, and when Sharyn  suggested a class on her facebook page, I didn't take long to think about, and decided to sign up! It's a class on how to capture your kids through the lens, so it should be fun. :) It's a small six session class, perfect
 of time for how busy we are right now. I'll let you know how it goes!!!

Camping- to totally switch topics- was so much fun. :) Heather   and her family were there, along with a few other friends of ours. Even saw a bunch of the Ka**g*s clan there and sat and visited around their campfire for a while. It was a very enjoyable time. We were supposed to stay Saturday and Sunday night, but Sunday night, after she went swimming, Jenna started burning up. She got to a point where she was so hot we got a bit nervous. So we packed up camp at about ten o'clock at night ( we only live a half an hour away from where we camped), and were home by eleven. Her fever was 102.6. Pretty high. Still not sure what caused it, but we gave her some ibuprofen and she went to bed and woke up feeling normal in the morning. It was kind of a strange little fever. Aaron pointed out that it could've been anything when I was wondering what had caused it. She could've picked it up from the drinking fountain, the bathroom, walking barefoot on the ground, petting every other dog that walked  by our site, the water from the lake.... who knows.

Travis was just in his glory. As soon as we pulled into the campground, he went "TENTS!, there's tents!" And a few sites later, "CAMPERS! There are campers here! Can we sleep here?" He was pretty fired up to be there. :) 

Logan, well, I didn't have any expectations of keeping him clean. Good thing, cause I would have drove myself mad. He crawled through the dirt the whole weekend. But he had a good time too. Jenna was fired up to be there. Our neighbors were probably sick of her after the first five minutes they were there. :) Oh well. That's my Jenna. Miss Social. 

Now we are still unloading the van, and doing laundry from the weekend. I expect to be caught up on that tomorrow... hopefully. My old neighbor always said it takes twice as long to get caught up on laundry for however long you were gone. I still think she's right. And with that, my loads are ready to switch and go out on the line. Later!

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