Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tomorrow I'll Be Better

This guy is going to be at the hospital tomorrow morning to get his teeth filled. He's got a few cavities, but doesn't hardly let the dentist take x-rays, none the less drill his teeth. So, he will be put under general anesthesia, and they will just do it all at once.

I'm a little bit nervous. We've done this before, with Jenna's teeth last year, and when Travis was just over one, he had surgery to remove a hernia from his groin. So, I've been in the hospital, done the waiting game, and it's always turned out fine. But I'm still nervous. Must be the mom in me. I'll be glad tomorrow when it's done with and we are back at home.

He knows how to make his mom's day too. I've learned with being a mom, a lot of times it's the little things that make the hard times worth it. As I was tucking him into bed tonight, he looked up at me, smiled and says " I like you mom." I told him " I like you too." And with that, he cozied into the blankets and went to sleep. Tonight I fell in love all over again with my little boy. When he's grown up, and a teenager ( I don't even try to think about that.... ever) I'm going to remember these days, and cherish the moments like this.

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