There is a holiday or it's a weekend and the Dr's office is closed! Every time I need to bring my kids in, it's always an ER visit or a walk in clinic as it's after hours or closed. I'm bringing Travis in today. He puked again last night and has loose stools again today. This is day 5 and 1/2 of him being sick, so I think it's time to bring him in. Only I have to wait until Aaron gets home from Jerry's because he has the car seats in the car. Doggonit. I just don't want him to get dehydrated. I already think he's probably partially there the way he can't keep anything in.
Does anyone out there have any idea how to get the vomit smell out of my house? I got home after buzzing up north( Oh yeah, I got to go for the day yesterday and Sat. night thanks to my awesome hubby who stayed home with our sick boy. Thank you Aaron!) and was greeted by a smelly house. Will scrubbing everything down with pine sol work? We need to clean our carpets too after Travis puked on those. I scrubbed them the best I could, but they could still use a deep cleaning.
Also, anyone out there have any idea how to get gum out of carpeting? I noticed the other day that there is a lovely was of gum ground into my carpet and I have NO idea how to get it out!
Megan, sorry Travis isn't feeling better yet, what a bummer!
I would put some baking soda out, you can even sprinkle it on the carpet, leave it for a while, then vac it up. Vinegar might work to get the gum out. Hope you figure out what's wrong with him! Good luck!
thanks Aleena!
Megan, you sure have had your hands full since little Logan came...with the teeth and now this sick bug. Here's to hoping you have 3 healthy happy kids soon! ~Brita
Using a pieace of ice will get gum out of the carpet, and the baking soda works wonders!
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