Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Will the Sun PLEASE Shine?

Will someone please tell the sun I need him to shine again? I need my daily dose of vitamin D, and my kids seriously need that outlet for their energy again. They are finding other ways to release it and I don't like it! A few times today I realized my two kids were WAY to quiet. That usually isn't a good sign. Need a few examples of what has happened in the past two hours? Well, for starters, Jenna spilled hot chocolate all over my newly cleaned kitchen floor. Then somehow she got the idea that she can get her hair wet.... in the toilet. :/ I was NOT pleased. Then I sat down to nurse Logan and all of a sudden I am smelling something... they were spraying their dad's cologne into one of my cake pans, making soup. Don't get me wrong, I love the smell of his cologne, but not when it's been squirted about ten times in my living room. :( They also must have decided one of my kitchen chairs had a serious stain on it because they got ahold of my ( NEW- opened yesterday) bottle of shout and was squeezing the gel onto the chair. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! I NEED that sun to come out and shine for me! Any time now would be great! Now Jenna is downstairs again, probably taking every article of clothing out of her drawers trying to figure out what dress she should wear because her other outfit got all wet..... sigh. I'm tired. I think Travis is currently pulling all the books off of the bookshelf. did I mention I am supposed to be packing to go up north this afternoon? Like in a half an hour we were hoping to leave and I haven't even began packing yet. So much for that idea.

1 comment:

Ev said...

I know it probably wasn't funny to you at the time, but I laughed, picturing your kids' antics!