Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ten loads of laundry.

It is now ten after twelve and I am officially pooped. I had a crazy busy day at work today. LOTS of last minute shoppers coming through. They make me tired just being their cashier!
We are headed to S**d*r B*y on Wed. morning after Aars goes to work and donates plasma ( thank goodness for that! It has been such a big money helper!). But I have worked the last five days in a row, and work tomorrow night. So my house, you can only imagine what it looks like, is just soaring. Ugh. I also just put ten loads of laundry going. It is never ending! At least I can do it all at once. I don't usually stay up this late to do laundry, but my to do list for tomorrow is a mile long. So I thought if I got my laundry done tonight when I got home from work, that I'd have gotten a jump start on my work load.
This is what I have left to do before five thirty tomorrow night:
  • fold and put away clean laundry
  • wash dishes (I'm going to have to invent a new dish rag, as they didn't make them into the laundry baskets from the kitchen )
  • pack Jenna's and Travis's bags for six days
  • pack mine and my hubby's stuff for six days
  • finish wrapping gifts
  • scrub bathroom and kitchen
  • go to the library to get more books by Clive Cussler for Aaron ( he read two of his books in three days over the weekend! :)
  • go to the grocery store
  • clean bedrooms
  • take out garbage and recycling bags

I'm tired just thinking of how tired I'm going to be tomorrow. I hope I can get a nap in. I was going to do the library thing in the morning, but maybe it'll be put off til afternoon.

I had an ultrasound today, the baby was looking good. I didn't find out what gender it is, although I was very tempted as I loved knowing what Travis was. But knowing that the heart was beating, it had both kidneys, the heart, two hands and feet, and a full spine and brain was good enough for me this time. The lady doing the ultrasound was able to get a good picture of the face, and baby was profiled. He/she has a cute little button nose just like Jenna and Travis. It was so neat to see. He/she was even opening and closing it's mouth like it was smiling for me. I don't remember Jenna or Travis doing that when we had our ultrasounds for them.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Laura Jean said...

Oh boy- I hope you can find time to relax once you're back 'home'! Davin used to give plasma (I wasn't able to because of a med I was on), and that was really nice for groceries and whatnot! I'm glad you have that option near you!

Merry Christmas to all of you! Have fun back 'home'!

Juliana said...

Hey Megan-busy, busy hey? I love Christmastime, but it is difficult for the fact that Everyone comes to town at once. I have to figure out how much I should do so that it remains fun, and not stressful. Glad you got to be w/ your fam. And what a great feeling to see a healthy happy growing baby!