So here's the latest.....
We went to the dentist this morning all prepared to have Travis' teeth pulled. I was trying to convince myself that it is the right thing to do. Well we walked in to the office and Dr. Erika came to meet us. She told us that she was thinking about Travis all night wondering how he was doing. We told he that he was his normal little self last night. Not acting as if he's in any pain and eating fine. We thought we would just give him puurua (oatmeal... not sure how to spell it in Finn...) because it was soft. Loretta had made us spaghetti pie and we were eating that and Travis was bugging for some. He had a bite and ate totally fine, so we gave him plate and he ate it with no problem. He also slept all night without any Tylenol or Motrin. SO, we came to the conclusion that maybe we can wait. If he shows any signs of being in alot of pain, or if his gums start to look infected than we have to bring him in right away. He's on an antibiotic already so that should help a little bit to keep that away. Otherwise, we are just going to watch them and see if they move back on their own, which sometimes happens, and check next month. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. So I guess now it's just a waiting game. We may be postponing the inevetible, but it's worth a try.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Can I Rewind?
Can I rewind today? Back to the part where I was really excited for my kids to come home after being gone all week?
Loretta brought Jenna and Travis back home from up at my mom's this afternoon, and it was so fun to see how pumped Travis was to see us. He giggled the whole way into the house he was so fired up. They were even more excited to go to the park with Loretta when I brought Logan to his one week checkup at the hospital. When I called home to let them know Logan is a bit jaundiced and we were waiting on billiruben levels, Aaron told me Travis knocked his front teeth in on the slide outside, and they looked really bad. I told the nurses, they got a rush on the levels ( it was a 17, so we need to go back again tomorrow to get it re-checked. What a pain. They also are concerned about his wt, he was 8 lb 3 oz. I say baloney, he's fine. But they want a re-weigh on Friday, so we'll go to keep them happy)
But back to the teeth. I flew home from the hosp, and called the pediatric dentist we have around here. I'm so thankful for that cause she was great. We rushed there as soon as we could, and they took a look at his teeth. We were given two options, neither of them super great. The first was to leave them, even though one is broken right off the root, and hope they don't get infected and wreck his adult teeth. The second, was to pull them because they look pretty bad, and for sure save his adult teeth. The dentist said if it was her son, she would just pull them, as hard as it is. She felt SO bad for us because either way it's awful. We decided that since he will loose the little teeth anyways (even though not for another six years), we'd take the safer rt. and have them pulled. So, we have an appt for 7:30 a.m. tomorrow. She ordered Valium to keep him totally calm so it'll hopefully go better. He'll look so different. I'm so sad. He's got such a beautiful smile, and it's going to take some getting used to when he has no front teeth.

My sister Emma had her two front teeth pulled out when she was about the same age, and her adult teeth grew in perfectly. And we thought she was just as cute toothless then as she is now, with all front teeth grown in. So, hopefully I can keep myself together in the morning for my little boy, and hopefully the medication works. It didn't for Emma ( guess one in about a hundred or so are immune to the vallium, and Emma was that one. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that's not the case with Travis). So, I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. I just wish I could rewind and prevent it from happening in the first place.
Loretta brought Jenna and Travis back home from up at my mom's this afternoon, and it was so fun to see how pumped Travis was to see us. He giggled the whole way into the house he was so fired up. They were even more excited to go to the park with Loretta when I brought Logan to his one week checkup at the hospital. When I called home to let them know Logan is a bit jaundiced and we were waiting on billiruben levels, Aaron told me Travis knocked his front teeth in on the slide outside, and they looked really bad. I told the nurses, they got a rush on the levels ( it was a 17, so we need to go back again tomorrow to get it re-checked. What a pain. They also are concerned about his wt, he was 8 lb 3 oz. I say baloney, he's fine. But they want a re-weigh on Friday, so we'll go to keep them happy)
But back to the teeth. I flew home from the hosp, and called the pediatric dentist we have around here. I'm so thankful for that cause she was great. We rushed there as soon as we could, and they took a look at his teeth. We were given two options, neither of them super great. The first was to leave them, even though one is broken right off the root, and hope they don't get infected and wreck his adult teeth. The second, was to pull them because they look pretty bad, and for sure save his adult teeth. The dentist said if it was her son, she would just pull them, as hard as it is. She felt SO bad for us because either way it's awful. We decided that since he will loose the little teeth anyways (even though not for another six years), we'd take the safer rt. and have them pulled. So, we have an appt for 7:30 a.m. tomorrow. She ordered Valium to keep him totally calm so it'll hopefully go better. He'll look so different. I'm so sad. He's got such a beautiful smile, and it's going to take some getting used to when he has no front teeth.

My sister Emma had her two front teeth pulled out when she was about the same age, and her adult teeth grew in perfectly. And we thought she was just as cute toothless then as she is now, with all front teeth grown in. So, hopefully I can keep myself together in the morning for my little boy, and hopefully the medication works. It didn't for Emma ( guess one in about a hundred or so are immune to the vallium, and Emma was that one. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that's not the case with Travis). So, I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. I just wish I could rewind and prevent it from happening in the first place.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Missing them like crazy.
Jenna and Travis are up at my mom's for the next two days. Loretta is going to bring them back home on Tuesday after Aaron is done with all of his finals. It's nice to be able to get some rest with just Logan and Aaron at home, but I miss those little buggers of mine! It's WAY to quiet around here with them gone. I don't quite know what to do with my time. I feel as if all I can do is sit around. Even Aaron is lost without them home. I've hardley seen them since last Wed. They came to see Logan at the hospital twice on Thurs., and were home for a bit when we came home from the hospital on Friday, but then my parent's took them home with them for a few days.
I called up there tonight to talk to Jenna and Travis for a little while. They are doing fine, but listening to them talk made me want to bawl. I really miss them and can't wait for them to come home. Two more days. :) Til then, I'll try to enjoy the quiet... it's tough to do. :)
I called up there tonight to talk to Jenna and Travis for a little while. They are doing fine, but listening to them talk made me want to bawl. I really miss them and can't wait for them to come home. Two more days. :) Til then, I'll try to enjoy the quiet... it's tough to do. :)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Our Baby Boy

I posted pictures, but no information to go with them. Here is the scoop. Logan Richard was born at 2:30 a.m. on 4-23. He was three weeks early, but still weighed 8 lb 110z, and was 20 and 1/4 inches long. He has been a great! Jenna and Travis are pumped he's finally here. I'm pumped as well. I was never expecting to go so early, and was a bit nervous when I found out I was. But good thing he did cause he was my biggest baby yet.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Impromptu Trip Up
We were halfheartedly getting ready for church this morning when Aars decided we should go up north and get the rest of our baby stuff we need that is stored up there. So we left here at ten thirty and pulled into town around twelve thirty. We picked up our back van seats from the inlaws, and picked up our infant crib and stroller from my mom's, along with a couple bags of my Rice Lake blueberries.
It was fun to visit the family though. We got to see everyone but Brian,Katie and Maggie and Kent today. We missed seeing all of their smiley faces. Janet made a delicious lunch of chicken and potatoes. Thanks! :) What a treat. Jenna had a blast playing with her cousins, and then a blast playing with her aunts and uncle Levi at my mom's. We had Jim's Pizza for supper. mmmmmm.... I love that pizza too.
I think my family and some of my friends (Jennie) are counting on me going earlier than my due date. Jennie tells me every day that she's waiting for that phone call to come pick up the kids from the hospital, and my mom told me to hang in there for another day or two. I personally don't think I will go before the end of April. I guess we'll have to wait and see! :)
It was fun to visit the family though. We got to see everyone but Brian,Katie and Maggie and Kent today. We missed seeing all of their smiley faces. Janet made a delicious lunch of chicken and potatoes. Thanks! :) What a treat. Jenna had a blast playing with her cousins, and then a blast playing with her aunts and uncle Levi at my mom's. We had Jim's Pizza for supper. mmmmmm.... I love that pizza too.
I think my family and some of my friends (Jennie) are counting on me going earlier than my due date. Jennie tells me every day that she's waiting for that phone call to come pick up the kids from the hospital, and my mom told me to hang in there for another day or two. I personally don't think I will go before the end of April. I guess we'll have to wait and see! :)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
A Date
Aars and I went on a date last night! It was so enjoyable to spend the evening with just him. We went to the border grill for supper.... it was ok. It was good, but I had imagined it to be more mexicany and was kind of disappointed in my salad. Oh well. I still got to sit and eat it at my leisure. Then we went for a drive around Presque Isle, and went and got some ice cream. We even got to buzz into Kohls to hopefully find some shoes for Jenna. She's been wearing her church shoes everywhere, and could really use some tennies. I think I'll check out Goodwill and St. Vinny's down here today before I go to work.
After we ate our ice cream, we went to pick up our kids, came home and put them to bed. It was so nice! A whole evening to ourselves. It's not to often that I have Friday nights off, so we took advantage of it. But, today is my last day of work for a while. :) Then the wait for baby begins. I've been on a roll cleaning my house lately. Pretty much one room at a time. Must be the spring weather. :) We left the windows open last night when we went to bed on accident, but I'm kind of glad. It gave this place the really good airing out it needed after the long winter. I really do enjoy spring, it's always refreshing after being cooped up for all those months of cold weather.
After we ate our ice cream, we went to pick up our kids, came home and put them to bed. It was so nice! A whole evening to ourselves. It's not to often that I have Friday nights off, so we took advantage of it. But, today is my last day of work for a while. :) Then the wait for baby begins. I've been on a roll cleaning my house lately. Pretty much one room at a time. Must be the spring weather. :) We left the windows open last night when we went to bed on accident, but I'm kind of glad. It gave this place the really good airing out it needed after the long winter. I really do enjoy spring, it's always refreshing after being cooped up for all those months of cold weather.
Friday, April 17, 2009
4:00 a.m.
Good morning.... according to my 19 month old son it's time to wake up. He's WIDE awake and in fine form. Hyper fine form. I think it would be funnier if I didn't go to bed five hours ago. But it's hard to be mad at him when he's so pumped to be up. I had to take him upstairs so Aaron could sleep and still get up for work in the morning.
Travis is reading books, trying to look at the puppies on every diaper in his diaper box( LUVS have Blues Clues on them), said he was hungry so I made him toast. To which he promptly dropped on the floor and said it was hot. Then it was ucky. He eventually ate it ten minutes later when it was nice and cold. Next he found his Elmo book and looked at that for ten minutes. Got bored and found my bag of DOVE chocolates that I splurged and bought at work.(I knew I should've put those hiding in the cupboard!) So we shared a couple of those. He's still raring to go and it is twenty to five. We have breakfast brunch plans for ten at Jill's, I bet he'll be crabbier than a bear by the time ten rolls around.... unless he can somehow sleep in til nine once he decides it's time to go back to bed, that's if he ever shows signs of slowing down. Not looking like that's gonna happen any time soon.... So, maybe I'll put my feet up and try to cat nap on the chair... gotta go, he's climbing on my rubbermaid full of baby clothes that I dug out the other day and showing me his belly .... sassy kid. ;) It's SO hard to be mad at him for being up when he's so darn cute. :) Have a great day!
Travis is reading books, trying to look at the puppies on every diaper in his diaper box( LUVS have Blues Clues on them), said he was hungry so I made him toast. To which he promptly dropped on the floor and said it was hot. Then it was ucky. He eventually ate it ten minutes later when it was nice and cold. Next he found his Elmo book and looked at that for ten minutes. Got bored and found my bag of DOVE chocolates that I splurged and bought at work.(I knew I should've put those hiding in the cupboard!) So we shared a couple of those. He's still raring to go and it is twenty to five. We have breakfast brunch plans for ten at Jill's, I bet he'll be crabbier than a bear by the time ten rolls around.... unless he can somehow sleep in til nine once he decides it's time to go back to bed, that's if he ever shows signs of slowing down. Not looking like that's gonna happen any time soon.... So, maybe I'll put my feet up and try to cat nap on the chair... gotta go, he's climbing on my rubbermaid full of baby clothes that I dug out the other day and showing me his belly .... sassy kid. ;) It's SO hard to be mad at him for being up when he's so darn cute. :) Have a great day!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A Mothers Instinct
I truly believe that all mothers have an instinct about their kids when something just isn't right. Jenna and Travis have had these nasty colds that just haven't been going away for a good month now. Then when Jenna came down with an aweful cough I thought to myself, I should bring them in to the dr's. But there is always that what if factor. What if I'm just over reacting, what if it isn't anything more than a common cold that just needs to run it's course. If I bring them in, I'm just going to look like an anal mom who wants a dr to cure the cold.
After I went Dr's myself on Tuesday and found out that I have started dialating, and have a chance of going early, I made up my mind about bringing them in. So I stopped at the Dr's office just down the hall from my dr's office and scheduled an appt. It must've been almost meant to be, cause they had two openings the next morning. So, the next morning I brought them in, saw the Dr and was quite surprised by the news. Jenna actually has pneumonia and a double ear infection. My Travis actually has a bacterial sinus infection. Good thing for instinct! He's on amoxicillian for for three weeks, three times a day, and Jenna is on zithromax once a day for four days. So, hopefully by the time Travis is done with his medecine and this baby comes, we will all be healthy.
After I went Dr's myself on Tuesday and found out that I have started dialating, and have a chance of going early, I made up my mind about bringing them in. So I stopped at the Dr's office just down the hall from my dr's office and scheduled an appt. It must've been almost meant to be, cause they had two openings the next morning. So, the next morning I brought them in, saw the Dr and was quite surprised by the news. Jenna actually has pneumonia and a double ear infection. My Travis actually has a bacterial sinus infection. Good thing for instinct! He's on amoxicillian for for three weeks, three times a day, and Jenna is on zithromax once a day for four days. So, hopefully by the time Travis is done with his medecine and this baby comes, we will all be healthy.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
408 Magnolia Lane
If anyone is interested, my mom's family is putting together a cookbook, 408 Magnolia Lane. There are 10 siblings on my mom's side, and cousin Jennifer counted 73 grandchildren. All of the siblings, and grandkids old enough to contribute have, and we have approximatley 600-700 recepies that are old family favorites, and some new family favorites. It's bound to be an excellent cookbook as my grandma Lorraine is an AWESOME cook, along with my mom and all of her sisters inheriting that skill.
They are trying to get an approxomite count of who might be interested in one, and are guessing the cost to be around 10.00 and an approximate 5.00 shipping fee to those who want or need it shipped to them. Right now they are trying to get a pre- order guess of how many to make, so if your interested you can leave a comment on my blog here, or on my aunt anne's blog, or Jennifer's blog as well. Or anyone else's blog you know who is taking orders. Or you can email me at All money must be recieved before the order is placed. Once a definite cost is determined, I can let you know so you can get it to anyone in the family. Print is hopefully sometime this summer. ( I got alot of this information from my mom, and lots from cousin Jen. She's always so well informed. :) Thanks Jen and I hope you don't mind!) If your interested, let us know! Thanks!
They are trying to get an approxomite count of who might be interested in one, and are guessing the cost to be around 10.00 and an approximate 5.00 shipping fee to those who want or need it shipped to them. Right now they are trying to get a pre- order guess of how many to make, so if your interested you can leave a comment on my blog here, or on my aunt anne's blog, or Jennifer's blog as well. Or anyone else's blog you know who is taking orders. Or you can email me at All money must be recieved before the order is placed. Once a definite cost is determined, I can let you know so you can get it to anyone in the family. Print is hopefully sometime this summer. ( I got alot of this information from my mom, and lots from cousin Jen. She's always so well informed. :) Thanks Jen and I hope you don't mind!) If your interested, let us know! Thanks!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Counting Down
FIVE weeks left until my due date.
FOUR shifts left to work at Target.
Soon to be THREE kids.
TWO homes.
ONE fantastic husband.
I've started my countdown..... :)
FOUR shifts left to work at Target.
Soon to be THREE kids.
TWO homes.
ONE fantastic husband.
I've started my countdown..... :)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
All in All
All in all it was a pretty good day today. Aars took the day off of work, so we went to Hardees for lunch. When we were halfway through with our meal, an elderly lady came up to us and told us how good our children were, and how well behaved they are. Then she went on to say it's nice to see that, and that our kids are both beautiful. That made my day, cause sometimes I wonder if it's worth it to take them out to eat, as they aren't always as good as they were today.
Also, I discovered I have tulips beginning to sprout in front of my kids bedroom window. Must mean spring is really here. FINALLY! HOORAY! I love flowers. I had tulips and daffodils planted in front of our house in town. I hope that our renters enjoy them as much as I did.
I might have a babysitting job lined up for the fall semester. A girl a friend knows needs a babysitter for her little boy while she goes to school. He is the same age as Travis, so maybe they can be buddies. It would be nice then I wouldn't have to go back to work in the fall after this baby. That would be really nice. :)
Only five more weeks, and five more shifts til I'm done working at Target! The 30th of April is going to be my last day. It's going to feel good to have life slow down for a while after this baby is born. I feel like I have to cram in all of my running now, cause it's not going to be easy after with three kids.
On a slightly down note, my good friends Jennie and Ricky are going to be moving to Alaska in the fall for nine months. Ricky got a teaching job up there for the upcoming school year. I think they are headed to Kiana AK. Somewhere where there is no road access. Should be an adventure for the two of them. I wish them lots of luck, and will miss them like crazy!
Also, I discovered I have tulips beginning to sprout in front of my kids bedroom window. Must mean spring is really here. FINALLY! HOORAY! I love flowers. I had tulips and daffodils planted in front of our house in town. I hope that our renters enjoy them as much as I did.
I might have a babysitting job lined up for the fall semester. A girl a friend knows needs a babysitter for her little boy while she goes to school. He is the same age as Travis, so maybe they can be buddies. It would be nice then I wouldn't have to go back to work in the fall after this baby. That would be really nice. :)
Only five more weeks, and five more shifts til I'm done working at Target! The 30th of April is going to be my last day. It's going to feel good to have life slow down for a while after this baby is born. I feel like I have to cram in all of my running now, cause it's not going to be easy after with three kids.
On a slightly down note, my good friends Jennie and Ricky are going to be moving to Alaska in the fall for nine months. Ricky got a teaching job up there for the upcoming school year. I think they are headed to Kiana AK. Somewhere where there is no road access. Should be an adventure for the two of them. I wish them lots of luck, and will miss them like crazy!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Every Week til Baby
Now I have to go see the Dr every week starting next week. I'm kind of looking forward to it, but at the same time my first thought was what a pain! :) I guess the novelty is wearing off, and I'm just ready to be done. I have to have the bacteria test done next week, and my regular dr. is out of town for the month! Bummer. :( Oh well... life goes on.
I saw a new Dr. today. The hospital likes you to see all of the dr's in their women's care unit, and up until today there was one that I hadn't seen. Dr. Perez. Some of the ladies down here have seen him and didn't give really great reviews. But I thought he was really nice. I was so nervous to go and see him for some reason, so maybe anything was better than what I'd imagined in my head. My blood pressure was still good, baby's heartbeat was in the 140's, and I lost two pounds! Imagine that. :) Travis had to come into the examination room with me. I'd dropped him off at the free day care, but he bawled so they brought him to me. He got a balloon from the Dr. and was all pumped.
So.... I'm headed into the home stretch. I expressed my nervousness about how fast my labors are, and was told, if I'm "ripe" at 39 weeks, an option would maybe to be induced. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but it's nice to know it's an option I guess. I think they know the sex of our baby. The Dr. walked into the room and said is this baby a boy? When I told him we don't know, he asked why. When told that we didn't find out because we want it to be a surprise, he said it's good to know because sometimes they know and let it accidentally slip. So I think they know.... guess we'll see.
I saw a new Dr. today. The hospital likes you to see all of the dr's in their women's care unit, and up until today there was one that I hadn't seen. Dr. Perez. Some of the ladies down here have seen him and didn't give really great reviews. But I thought he was really nice. I was so nervous to go and see him for some reason, so maybe anything was better than what I'd imagined in my head. My blood pressure was still good, baby's heartbeat was in the 140's, and I lost two pounds! Imagine that. :) Travis had to come into the examination room with me. I'd dropped him off at the free day care, but he bawled so they brought him to me. He got a balloon from the Dr. and was all pumped.
So.... I'm headed into the home stretch. I expressed my nervousness about how fast my labors are, and was told, if I'm "ripe" at 39 weeks, an option would maybe to be induced. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but it's nice to know it's an option I guess. I think they know the sex of our baby. The Dr. walked into the room and said is this baby a boy? When I told him we don't know, he asked why. When told that we didn't find out because we want it to be a surprise, he said it's good to know because sometimes they know and let it accidentally slip. So I think they know.... guess we'll see.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Home again.... til tomorrow
We're back! Did you miss me? We headed North again for the night kind of last minute. That cute new little niece of mine was baptized last night at my mom's, so we wanted to be there. We even made it to church this morning up there! To my pleasant surprise, I ran into a friend who moved to Men**ha this past fall from where we used to live too. She is cleaning out her house after a BAD experience with her HORRID renters. :( But, she'll be in town pretty much all this week, and I'd love to catch up with her. Plus I have another friend in from Ho**ll So..... we are home for now, less than 24 hours after I got to my mom's house. And I have plans to go back up tomorrow after my dr's appt. This time I'm going to stay for more than 24 hours. I might even have some friends to my mom's for lunch and sauna. That would be fun. SO...... this week too will go by fast. I feel as if we've been running like crazy, but now is the time to do it because when this baby makes it's entrance it won't be so easy to just up and leave like it is now.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Starting a List
It's April, and I can officially say that I am due next month! :) I'm getting ready to be done. It's harder to get comfortable at night and just in general during the day. I'm beginning to start a mental list of things that need to get done before this baby makes it's entrance into the world. The biggest thing is to spring clean this apt. if spring ever comes. Maybe if I pull the best friend card, Jennie will come and give me a hand. I told Aaron when he's done with exams, he is going to take the kids for a whole day so I can scrub this townhouse from top to bottom. Everywhere I look there are fingerprints on the windows, and dirt smudges on the walls. Even the carpet could use a good scrubbing. I hate having carpeting where we eat. It just doesn't make sense, but thats the way it's going to be for now. At least til we get back to a house some day.
The other things on my list all have to do with getting ready for this baby.
Buy some Dreft and wash some boy and girl baby clothes, and the carseat cover
get some newborn diapers
set up the baby crib in my room
find a new baby swing ( ours got moldy sometime last summer in the basement)
make room in our living room for the changing table
get our back seats for the van from my in-laws garage, so we have somewhere to put the baby when it's born
And a few more things, but for now that is a good enough start. Now if spring would just hurry up and get here.......
The other things on my list all have to do with getting ready for this baby.
Buy some Dreft and wash some boy and girl baby clothes, and the carseat cover
get some newborn diapers
set up the baby crib in my room
find a new baby swing ( ours got moldy sometime last summer in the basement)
make room in our living room for the changing table
get our back seats for the van from my in-laws garage, so we have somewhere to put the baby when it's born
And a few more things, but for now that is a good enough start. Now if spring would just hurry up and get here.......
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