Monday, April 6, 2009

Every Week til Baby

Now I have to go see the Dr every week starting next week. I'm kind of looking forward to it, but at the same time my first thought was what a pain! :) I guess the novelty is wearing off, and I'm just ready to be done. I have to have the bacteria test done next week, and my regular dr. is out of town for the month! Bummer. :( Oh well... life goes on.

I saw a new Dr. today. The hospital likes you to see all of the dr's in their women's care unit, and up until today there was one that I hadn't seen. Dr. Perez. Some of the ladies down here have seen him and didn't give really great reviews. But I thought he was really nice. I was so nervous to go and see him for some reason, so maybe anything was better than what I'd imagined in my head. My blood pressure was still good, baby's heartbeat was in the 140's, and I lost two pounds! Imagine that. :) Travis had to come into the examination room with me. I'd dropped him off at the free day care, but he bawled so they brought him to me. He got a balloon from the Dr. and was all pumped.

So.... I'm headed into the home stretch. I expressed my nervousness about how fast my labors are, and was told, if I'm "ripe" at 39 weeks, an option would maybe to be induced. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but it's nice to know it's an option I guess. I think they know the sex of our baby. The Dr. walked into the room and said is this baby a boy? When I told him we don't know, he asked why. When told that we didn't find out because we want it to be a surprise, he said it's good to know because sometimes they know and let it accidentally slip. So I think they know.... guess we'll see.

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