Friday, April 17, 2009

4:00 a.m.

Good morning.... according to my 19 month old son it's time to wake up. He's WIDE awake and in fine form. Hyper fine form. I think it would be funnier if I didn't go to bed five hours ago. But it's hard to be mad at him when he's so pumped to be up. I had to take him upstairs so Aaron could sleep and still get up for work in the morning.

Travis is reading books, trying to look at the puppies on every diaper in his diaper box( LUVS have Blues Clues on them), said he was hungry so I made him toast. To which he promptly dropped on the floor and said it was hot. Then it was ucky. He eventually ate it ten minutes later when it was nice and cold. Next he found his Elmo book and looked at that for ten minutes. Got bored and found my bag of DOVE chocolates that I splurged and bought at work.(I knew I should've put those hiding in the cupboard!) So we shared a couple of those. He's still raring to go and it is twenty to five. We have breakfast brunch plans for ten at Jill's, I bet he'll be crabbier than a bear by the time ten rolls around.... unless he can somehow sleep in til nine once he decides it's time to go back to bed, that's if he ever shows signs of slowing down. Not looking like that's gonna happen any time soon.... So, maybe I'll put my feet up and try to cat nap on the chair... gotta go, he's climbing on my rubbermaid full of baby clothes that I dug out the other day and showing me his belly .... sassy kid. ;) It's SO hard to be mad at him for being up when he's so darn cute. :) Have a great day!

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