Friday, September 18, 2009

2 Today

Today you turn 2, and I smile because you are turning into an awesome little person. You love your "brother buddy" and your big sister, and playing with them often turns into the highlight of your day. You get super excited whenever Daddy comes home from school, and often your hugs turn into a wrestling match. In the morning you wake up calling for mommy to come and get you out of your cribby, and you make sure you grab your frog ribbit, and your blanket that muumu made for you. Stories and bike rides are two of your favorite things. You could listen to story after story. As for the bike rides, your happiest when your on the back of Daddy's bike, and never like to see the ride end.

You have the bluest eyes, and the whitest hair and long eyelashes. You'll probably care less, but I love them all the same. I look at you and think someday you won't have the chubby little boy face, your going to grow, and probably have me looking up to you someday. For now I am going to cherish the little boy you are. One who likes to bau bau, sit on my lap, and who loves to give hugs and kisses. The little boy with a constant parade of bruises across his forehead because you tripped or bumped into something. My little boy who is excited to have a crocodile cake for his birthday.

My greatest hopes for you are to grow up strong and healthy and be confident and successful in what ever you decide to do. I hope you are happy and that you follow your dreams. I hope you find love someday and are able to experience the joy you bring to me. Most of all, I hope you keep your faith, because it is oh so important.

I love you Travis Joseph, always will. Ever since the moment I held you in the hospital for the first time, meeting you after waiting nine long months to do so, you've captured a piece of my heart. Happy Birthday Little Man.

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