Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pleasant Surprise

I had a fairly productive day today. At least by my standards..... I got my kitchen cleaned up, and made oatmeal rasin cookies for my husband to take to the hunting camp this weekend.
I even made it out of the house to do something fun with my kids. We went to the library, where I picked up books for me to read this weekend, and books for the kids. Then when we got home, I made supper. Kind of. I made mashed potatoes, heated frozen meatballs and gravy from Fall Services and opened a can of peas and carrots. So I sort of cheated, but it looked and tasted really good. :)
I had a pleasant surprise waiting for me when I got home from the library this afternoon. I'd recieved a basket of flowers! They were from my mom and sisters Loretta and Alanna. The card simply read Thinking of you. It completly made my day. I had no idea they were getting me flowers. :) So if your reading this guys, Thanks for the flowers! They produced a smile and a great day.
Travis was pretty much 100 percent today. His appetite is back and I took the dressing off of his incision this morning like the hospital instructed me to do. He has stitches and steri strips over his cut. It looks good though, seems to be healing well.
The kids are still adjusting the time change. Every night around six thirty they are so ready for bed, and Jenna has noticed that it gets dark much earlier. I really don't like the time change in the fall. I love the longer days of summer and have a hard time adjusting to sunsets at five thirty. Oh well, maybe next year they will decide that we don't really need to do the time change. Rumor was for a while this year that we weren't going to, but then did anyway. Who knows. Either way life goes on, and we just adjust our schedules accordingly. Not like every day is a schedule around here though... we just kind of decide that morning what we need to get done that day, and when and where we are going to go if we feel like bumming that day. It's kind of nice to be flexible.

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