Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where has time gone?

And here another week has come and gone. Time is really flying by fast. Which is a good thing, as I now have twelve weeks left. I'm hoping my third trimester goes by fast like the last month has. I mean, where did February go? It's almost over!

I had a mixed up day..... like part good and part bad. The bad was, that we had a few checks bounce last week, so I didn't think a pre-arranged payment would be able to go through tomorrow. So I tried to be a good person and call the company that we'd made the arrangement with. I tried to explain that our checks weren't as much as we had been planning on, and have other payments that automatically go through every pay day, and that I would like to re-schedule for next week when I can just pay the whole balance of the account in full. But the person just transfered me to his supervisor who then proceeded to ream me out about it. I got so frustrated!!! This supervisor was really mean and condescending. I tried to tell her that we are getting our taxes back next week, and that I could just pay the whole thing. But she just yelled at me that I'd made the agreement on the 6th, and that I'd had all these weeks to come up with the money, and that I shouldn't of written more checks than we had money. GRRRRR!!!! Do they not get that we have other bills to pay besides theirs? Or that we wanted to bounce? Life happens! Unexpected and forgotten expenses happen! Obviously the world revolves around them. So.... I got nowhere, and ended up hanging up before I started bawling. That was this morning, and I'm still fuming about it. I can't wait to be done with them. They are by far THE worst company we've ever dealt with.

But the good, my kids were good today, and I had a good day at work. Also, I cleaned this whole apt. upside down yesterdy, and just sat and enjoyed the cleaness today. :) We were kind of snowed in for a while, as we got hammered with another snow storm last night. The drift was up over half of our door. So it was a good day to just stay home. Only I had to work today. But it was only for four hours. The perfect amount of time. Plus I'm getting excited about our trip down state. I talked to Mary this morning, and she was so gracious to offer us a place to stay. Thanks Mary! :) We are trying to find tickets to go the Wings game that Fri, but aren't having much luck. We'll just have to keep trying, but I don't know. I'm not willing to pay a hundred dollars for tickets so we'll see if we make it there or not. I'm just excited for the change of scenery. It should be fun no matter what we do, because we'll be with a bunch of old friends. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Megan, be careful with the bouncing checks! Since I work at the bank I've seen some people get into some big trouble with that and that would really stink if it happened to you!!! I don't want to scare you, but just recently I know of someone who had to go to jail because they bounced a couple of checks. :S
scary stuff!!

Anonymous said...

Megan, You seem to write a lot about your financial situation. Have you ever tried reading the Dave Ramsey book? If you try using some of his ideas you might not have such highs and lows with your money...specifically your comment about being temporarily rich (in a different post). It must be hard with your husband going to school, having 2 kids already and you're pregnant and working...but if you get in the habit of saving money for your "fun fund" then you can go to the random red wings games and not worry about bouncing checks. The more you focus on budgeting, the less of a "love/hate relationship" you will have with money. Just some things to think about..Good luck :)