Monday, March 16, 2009


Today I have this big long list of things that need to get done.... and all I want to do is stay home. Not gonna happen. This is what I have to do today:
  • Get Insurance for the car
  • register the car with public safety so we don't get a parking ticket
  • get plates for the car
  • set up an alignment appt for the car
  • get the van estimated for fixing the brakes
  • get two tires for the car
  • return books to the library that were due in January
  • get my glucose test done
  • do laundry
  • call maintenance about the shades in the living room that are jammed
  • buy mud boots for Jenna

And the list goes on..... oh well. It's all stuff that needs to get done, but I just wish I could go alone and get done in half the time. But it's not gonna happen, so I'm just hoping the kids behave.

Oh yeah, I'm thinking I might attempt the "bare bum" method of potty training. It worked for cousin Jen's little boy, and other people have said it worked for their kid. It seems like I've tried almost everything else, so hopefully this works! I'm getting awfully tired of changing her diapers when I know she knows how to go on the toilet.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Sure would be nice to have her trained before the next one arrives, wouldn't it?! My Oliver trained after I babysat a cousin who was just to the 'beyond accidents' point. The next day he was gung ho on going potty, and it went very well. Anyone at that point who you could 'borrow' for the day??:)