Thursday, January 8, 2009

Coffee Night

The younger married girls down here have started a coffee night. It's been so much fun! Every Thursday we go to Applebees at eight thirty. A perfect time cause appetizers are half off, and my kids are usually in bed by then. I love having a night of female company to look forward to every week. There are always lots of laughs and stories. Tonight there were even almost a few tears. :) Somehow we never run out of things to talk about, and eleven o'clock rolls around too fast when the restaurant closes and we head back home.

I've really gotten to know the girls down here and am glad to have gotten the chance to know all of them. So if your reading this girls, thanks for your friendship! It really makes a night and day difference while we are living down here. I recall feeling so lonely when we first moved down, and now I feel like I could call anyone of you and just chat for need of a friend, or call to do something and someone is almost always up for a visit. I'm always up for company too, just don't mind the condition my house is in... I don't guarantee a clean house, just a warm welcome. :)


Jennifer Skoog Photography said...

How fun, Megs! Girls need to stick together. :) When is your baby due? Hi from AK. Hope to hear from you soon!!!! Jenleu

Aleena said...

We do the same thing here, Applebee's on Thursday nights from 8:30 to close!

Megan said...

it is always so much fun! I truly look forward to it every week. :)